1. Enter a Title for your meeting - this is optional, but is helpful for your participants and for yourself to find meetings back within your account using the search function.
  2. Choose a date, time, and duration.
  3. Add an optional Description (Agenda) if required.
  4. *Recording - set your conference to be automatically recorded.
  5. *Transcription - have your meeting automatically transcribed. Includes automatic topic tags and keyword search. (Note that this is a premium feature. Check with your account admin to verify if you are subscribed)
  6. Set up a Recurring Meeting by clicking on 'Set to repeat' with daily, weekly or monthly options.
  7. International participants? Just select Timezones on the first screen of the scheduling process, then click the plus sign to add another location. This will allow you to choose the best option for all invited parties.
  8. *Security Settings: Create a randomly generated one-time access code unique to this meeting, or add a meeting passcode.
* These features are not available with every subscription. Check with your company admin if you don't have these.


  • Start typing a name or email in the ‘To’ field to search through your list of contacts and then hit ‘+ ADD’ or copy and paste an email address in the 'To' field. Remove participants by clicking on 'Remove' next to the relevant contact.

If you are inviting someone for the first time, their email address will be automatically added to your list of contacts so you can quickly add them the next time you book a conference.

Note: It is not necessary for someone to be added here while scheduling in order for them to participate in your meeting.

  • Make invitees moderators by selecting the star icon next to an invitee's name

    Everyone with the STAR beside their name will now have access to all the moderator controls during a meeting. 

    Note: you can only make invitees who have a host account within your company a moderator while scheduling. During a live meeting, you can make any participant a moderator via the participant list

    For all those managing an online conference and the options available for online moderators, follow this link: Managing your conference with the online meeting room

3. Choose DIAL-IN NUMBERS that will be visible on the invitation

  1. Your ‘Primary number/s’ will automatically be selected.
  2. Search or scroll to select local country numbers for international participants.
  3. *Premium 800 (toll-free) - provide a number where the caller will be guaranteed not to be charged to call in.


4. Summary


  1. Once you have confirmed the details are correct, hit 'Schedule'.
  2. You and all those added as participants will receive an email invitation with the meeting link and access code for your account, along with all the details they need to join your conference.
  3. 15 minutes before the scheduled start time all invitees will also receive an automatic reminder email.


TIP: If you need to set up a meeting on the fly or prefer to use an in house scheduling system, you can also easily copy your conference details from your account homepage via the 'Copy Details' button on the top left. Then use ‘ctrl V’ or right click and paste this into an email or other messaging service. You can also find and copy these details via the ‘Dial-In Information’ button. Here you will also find the full list of dial-in numbers if you need to provide a local international number.